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The History of Quarter, Lanarkshire
The Duchess Nina Istitute
The Duchess Nina Institute opened on the 24th September 1910
by the Duke and Duchess of Hamilton.
From the Hamilton Advertiser of 1st October 1910
Saturday last will long be remembered by the present generation of the residents of Quarter. Even the oldest inhabitants could not recall an event in connection with the village which raised so much enthusiasm, so much unanimity of purpose, every householder having done his or her best to make the occasion a memorable one. It is quite safe to say that never in all its history has the village been adorned with so fair a garland. Flowers and evergreens were used with lavish abundance. The main street was flanked with floral deigns of varying form and beauty. Hardly a single house was to be destitute of some token of welcome to the popular superiors of the village who by their generous gift of a large and beautiful edifice have further endeared themselves to the community in which they have always taken a deep and practical interest. Moreover the new institute which the Duke and Duchess of Hamilton formally opened on Saturday will stand as a lasting memorial of their helpfulness and munificence and a permanent testimonial to one whose goodness and kindness of heart adorn the annals of the House of Hamilton.
From the Stother's Notes of 1910.
The Duchess Nina Institute and Bowling Green, ajoining, were gifted to the villagers by their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Hamilton and were formally opened on the 24th September 1910. The Institute is a handsome and most compact building and has proved a great success, from the number of people who take advantage of the reading room and the healthy, up-to-date games that are provided inside. It is managed by a committee. The Bowling Green is one of the finest in Scotland. Visitors who are interested in the progress of such institutions are made most welcome, and every information is afforded them by those in charge.
The Boolin Club
The Opening of
The Bowling Club
in 1920
On Saturday, 2nd June, the bowling green at Quarter was the scene of a most exciting and interesting contest. The match was the result of a challenge between Nos 1 and 2 pits and the absorbing interest of the game may be explained by the fact that the No. 1 exponents, with true Yankee modesty, consider theirs the premier pit and themselves the high heid yins on the bowling green and in the village generally.
The opposing teams were:- No. 1 pit - Messrs. W. Jamieson, J. Ritchie, J. Lennox, Torrance, Fleming, Kane, McConnachie, Hanlon, McBeth, Higgins, Murphy and Williams. No 2 pit - Messrs. Jas. Lowe, J. Cassidy, W. Davies, John Lowe, Geo. Lowe, R. McLare, G. McLare, Todd, Reid, R. Lennox, J. Lennox and J. Davidson.
...........The Various rinks were, as regards their recognised playing abilities, pretty evenly matched, but despite all Wee Willie's personal prowess, despite all the "wicks," "chips," and "rubs," despite even his new Panama, big Jamie's warriors rubbed out the flower and the pride of No. 1 to the tune of 13 shots up. The day was one of glorious sunshine, just such a day as one would enjoy a victory or make light of a defeat and the players rose to the occasion manfully and the best of harmony prevailed throughout. At the tea which followed, the No. 1 men proved their superiority (?) by joining enthusiastically in the harmony, forgetting for the time being the bitterness of their downfall and - paying for the tea.
..........The purvey was in the capable hands of Mrs. Brodie of the Institute and the excellence of the catering fittingly rounded off the "best day on Quarter green." As it is intended to renew the contest at the first favourable opportunity, it has been suggested that next time the winners should pay for the drinks.
The Quarter Bowling Green in the year 2001
A challenge between Nos 1 and 2 pits
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